New App Called “WHELP” (We Help Eliminate Loser Patrons), Helps Businesses Refuse Service To People Who Habitually Complain For Free Food.

March 25, 2023 Bonine 0

“Whelp. Looks like you’re going to have to go somewhere else Karen”, because businesses across America are beginning to rejoice with the new freedom WHELP has provided them. No longer will a McDonald’s restaurant HAVE to give out free food to a customer with limited evidence to support their claim. […]

A Man, Dual Wielding Raw Steaks, Slaps Diners In The Face At Vegan Restaurant Yelling; “If You Don’t Eat Your Meat, You Can’t Have Any Pudding!”

March 8, 2023 Bonine 0

Ojai, CA- Clinton Brewer (73), has been arrested after assaulting close to one dozen people at a local vegan restaurant, Larry’s Secret Garden. Clinton was seen entering the restaurant during the dinner rush with raw steaks in each hand. He walked from table to table slapping people in the face […]