Gas Station Sushi Turns Into; Diarrhea And A Broken Neck For One Seattle Area Stripper


Seattle, WA – Karen “Destiny” Williams (27) is a dancer at the local Knockers strip club in Seattle. On Sunday night Destiny showed up for work at her regular time and was on stage getting warmed up for the night.

Destiny has a very exciting pole routine and the place really gets hopping when she’s spinning around like an acrobat. Patrons and Destiny were both in for more than they bargained for this particular Sunday night.

“I never thought her love for sushi would end up like this”- Destiny’s mother.

Destiny was hanging upside down on the pole using her thighs to keep her in-place, when all of the sudden there was a rumbling in her stomach and it was at that moment she thought to herself, “That gas station sushi was a terrible idea” and without further warning, there a blast of diarrhea coming from her hindquarters, spraying a good portion of the crowd in the process. Not only did the crowd become unwitting victims of gas station sushi, but the explosion also caused her to lose her grip of the pole and she fell straight down on to her head, breaking her neck.

Destiny is currently in a local Seattle hospital in stable condition. It is not known if she will ever walk again let alone hang upside down from a pole. Owners of the gas station, where the suspect sushi was purchased, were not available to comment at time of this writing.

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