Peter (Pete) Mulrooney was a Mailman in the 1950’s and 60’s in Southern California. His route was in the San Diego area. Back in those days mail delivery was more personal than it is now. No banks of mailboxes waiting to be filled. Pete knew just about everyone on his route. Week in and week out, Pete pounded the pavement from truck to doorstep.
Over the years he began to form relationships with the folks on his route and in those times the vast majority of his interactions were with housewives. He was quite a handsome man back in his time and many were the people who would greet him daily. Frequently pies and casseroles were made for him.
A lot of woman were wives of servicemen and Pete was the most consistent man in their lives. Overtime pies and casseroles turned into creampies and blowjobs. Now this was not common knowledge back then. People were discreet in their affairs and the absence of technology and paper trails made a covert love affair all the more successful.
During those years it was not unusual to find a child with different color hair than their siblings. Now with the advent of home DNA kits to test your ancestry, more and more people are finding skeletons in their family tree’s closets. A rash of adults in the San Diego area had controversial DNA test results where it was clear that their father was not of blood relation. This led to all kinds of chaos.
After some digging and research by a former FBI profiler, Pete Mulrooney was DNA tested as a possible contributor to at least some of the births in question. After hundreds of tests and re-tests, it was shown that Mr. Mulrooney did in-fact sire upwards of 350+ children. Because of their ages and laws at time of conception, Pete was cleared of any and all legal charges that may have stemmed from missed child-support payments or the like.
“All these years I thought I was sterile. My wife and I never had any children. To think that at age 97, to hear such news! What a blessing. I now feel so fulfilled and cannot wait to meet all my children“, says Pete.
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