Woman Who Had 237 Abortions Sues Planned Parenthood For $70 Million Because She Can No Longer Get Pregnant


Cathy Wanamaker (32) of Bristol Tennessee is suing Planned Parenthood for 70 million dollars because she is not being able to get pregnant. Wanamaker claims that her 237th abortion damaged her reproductive system, making it impossible for her to carry a child to term. Since her last abortion she has had 41 miscarriages.

Planned Parenthood and its legal team feel confident in that the case will be ruled in their favor, “With each additional abortion the likely hood of carrying a child to term diminishes. Ms. Wanamaker has had 237 abortions, each of which she signed a consent form that clearly states the increased chance for miscarriage”, said a Planned Parenthood spokesman.

While Cathy admits she knew about the consent to treat forms and their warnings, she also claims that Planned Parenthood allowed her to have too many abortions. “They should have been smarter than to allow me to have 237 abortions. So, in a way it’s their fault. I mean 237 abortions performed is kinda reckless am I right?”.

“Ms. Wanamaker does have permanent damage to her reproductive system. I will not speculate on fault at this time. I’m only stating the fact that there is damage”, Dr. Larry Lutz.

“It’s my right to have a child and they have damaged my reproductive system. Someone has to pay”, Wanamaker tweeted the night before the trial was set to get underway. Legal pundits have no clue how this is play out. “Strange and disturbing as it may seem, she does have a leg to stand on. Legally that is. Performing 237 abortions on the same woman will be tough for Planned Parenthood to explain. But she voluntarily had each and every abortion and did sign the consent forms, so Planned Parenthood has a leg to stand on as well”, said legal analyst Frank Brighton.

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