In what may be a new trend among down and out former professional athletes, Tim Tebow is now selling his sperm to those people looking to be the parents of an athlete. “His career never panned out and he has an expensive lifestyle to support”, a former coach said. “I think he see’s this as a way make ends meet for the time being”. Tim believes he has the genetics to make any couple the parents of a high school standout and potential professional athlete.
“This is similar to what owners of race horses do after said horses career is over. Mr. Tebow wants to be a stud horse minus actual intercourse, for parents who don’t have the requisite DNA to make a champion”, said Dr. Cordilla of The Atlanta Human Genome Project.

Tim will offer his sperm to fertilize an egg for $10k. “Mr. Tebow may very well be the first person to mainstream boutique sperm donors, where people will be able to market their sperm by advertising their unique qualities and traits”, Dr. Cordilla elaborated.
At 10k a pop, there are sure to be many potential parents ready to jump on the opportunity to have his sperm. There are concerns that this may get out of hand in the future, but for the mean time there are no laws barring men from selling their sperm.
Mr. Tebow has refused our request for comments.
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