Ted Beyers of Phoenix Arizona will be spending the next few weeks recovering from a gruesome wound he suffered as a result of a dare gone wrong. Over the weekend Ted and his buddies gathered to watch NASCAR, drink beers and harass each other as good buddies tend to do. A dozen beers in and the guys start daring each other to do more and more ridiculous things.
Ted was dared to put his penis inside a bucket filled with dry ice. $500 was to be his reward for following through with the dare. If he knew how it was going to turn out, any amount of money would not have been sufficient to stick his penis in the bucket.

His drinking pals, Brad and Larry set up the bucket of dry ice and laid the $500 on the table next to it. About 17 beers deep and Ted was feeling pretty invincible about now. Without any thought he took out his penis and dropped it into the bucket. The response was immediate. Pain radiated from his cock to brain in an instant. When he pulled his penis out the entirety of it was frozen and covered with ice crystals.
Heavy with ice, his penis snapped off causing Ted to immediately blackout from the shock of seeing his favorite appendage break off his torso. The dry ice helped his stem a lot of the blood loss. His friends Larry and Brad quickly sobered and called paramedics to help their friend. They also called their wive’s to take them to the hospital so they could comfort their injured friend.
Ted will be healing in the hospital for for the next couple weeks in which time he may choose to have a cadaver’s penis attached, a prosthetic or he may also choose to survive without a penis at all. Many trying days are sure to be ahead, but one thing we can count on is that Ted won’t be messing around with dry ice again anytime soon. Ted did receive the $500.
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