Los Angeles, CA- The beloved Betty White will be turning 100 next month and we cannot wait to wish her the happiest birthday of all time! Unfortunately, once she hits the big 100 her celebration will have to be without Legos. That’s because the age limit of one of America’s favorite toys is 99.
“What we’re trying to accomplish here is to help Hasbro, Lego’s parent company do the right thing by increasing the age limit on their beloved toy. Not only would Betty benefit from the change, but so would the 1000’s of people in the “Century Club” that have had to put their Legos on the shelf”, spokesmen for Changing Legos Age Limit For All (CLALFA) Ben Gomez.

We reached out to Hasbro for comment, but have been unable to speak with anyone. According to our own in-house insiders, Hasbro may be facing some backlash if they do not up the limit, “Betty White has a tremendous following that could cause a media nightmare for them. Do not underestimate the power of Social media in this case. The memes would be never ending for Hasbro and Lego”.
At Daily News Reported we are trying to do our part by spreading awareness of this travesty. You can help us by sharing this story and getting the word out that we want change!
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