Liberty Jones is suing a man because his prosthetic penis fell off during sexual intercourse in a parked car. Liberty claims the penis got stuck inside her cavernous vagina making it impossible for her to do business with any other men. She thought something was suspicious about his penis, “I’ve seen a lot of dicks in my day and his just looked off. Now the damn thing fell off and got stuck in my pussy!”.
The prosthetic penis is part of a new trend where men are adding length to their cocks in an effort to offer more pleasurable sex. During some vigorous thrusting the penis broke free from its bindings and got lodged way up in her vagina. The mans name is being withheld until further evidence can be gathered and verified.
Jones claimed she has lost upwards of $700 because of the blocked fun box. “A lot of my regulars are having to settle for oral and I only make $20 a blow. This is an extreme hardship and I hope justice is served!”, said Jones. While she may be unable to verify what her earnings would actually be, she did indeed have a penis stuck inside her and is also suing for emotional disturbance to the tune of 10k.
The defendant is counter suing claiming the penis returned with a strange smell that he has been unable to wash away. Please stay tuned to dailynewsreported.com as more of this story unfolds.
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