Carla Trevers (37) of Miami Florida was stopped and subsequently arrested for Driving under the influence of alcohol. Ms. Trevers had a BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) of .28, well over the legal limit.
A belligerent Carla Trevers tried her best to plead her case to the arresting officers, “I only drank at red lights, never while I was driving. So you see, you can’t arrest me for drunk driving”, said Trevers before puking during a field sobriety test.
Miami-Dade police officers were more than happy to respond to Ms. Trevers claims of not drinking while driving, “She very well may have only consumed alcohol at red lights. What Ms. Trevers does not understand is that she did in fact operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated, so her claim that she only drank at red lights is a moot point”, Officer Perez of Miami-Dade P.D.
Carla is being held without bail due to prior arrests for DUI. She is looking at the possibility of 10 years in prison if convicted on what would be her 5th DUI in 3 years.
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