Fillmore, CA- Chad Williamson (43), is locked up in Ventura County jail after his 3 children were hospitalized overnight following a weekend alone with their father. Due to the ages of the children (8, 10, and 12), their identities will remain protected.
The mother, Melissa Williamson (39), took her three children to the hospital when it was obvious they were not acting like themselves. “They are usually a rambunctious trio, but this night was like no other.”, Melissa told us.
All three boys had extremely elevated heart rates, and a quick few questions by the doctors along with some telling urine samples, it was discovered that their father, Chad, had given each of the boys, 6 full Monster energy drinks before returning them home to his ex-wife. The boys spent the night at the hospital for observation and until their symptoms abated.
“They’re boys, what harm could it do. Everyone is so sensitive these days. I wanted to rile them up for their cheating whore of a mother. Big deal”, Chad said via Ventura County Jail. Well sadly for Chad, providing your children unhealthy doses of energy drinks is a Class 11 felony in California. “Monster is a good word for this guy. He fed his boys Monster energy drinks, but he’s the real monster in this scenario”, Deputy Ken Glover told our on scene staff.
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