In a stunning victory, Smudge The Cat ran away with the local election for mayor of Laramie Wyoming. What started out as a joke to “write him in” by some local college kids, turned into campain that drove imcumbant mayor, Lyle Hershey out of the mayoral home.
Smudge received 85% of the vote and that is a record for any election anywhere for a write in candidate. Smudge’s owner was not readily available for comment, but word has it that Smudge will be making his first appearance as mayor within the next week. It is expected that he will take up residency at the mayoral home once his current lease is up.
This comes as a welcome change to many of Laramies residents, “Hershey was robbing us blind and I know for a fact Smudge won’t take shit from anyone. I’ve seen all his memes” said one citizen. “Having Smudge represent us is probably the best thing to ever happen to Laramie”, said another.
Former mayor Hersehy had this to say, “I got nothing but good things to say about our new mayor. I don’t want to end up in one of his memes LOL. But really, if he needs anything I have already told him he can count on me”.
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