Creditors Can Now See If You’ve Been To “Facebook Jail” And Why. Many Are People Seeing Decreased Scores And Denied Credit Applications


San Jose, CA- FICO has announced the launch of a new social media division that will scan your publicly posted comments across all platforms of social media for certain “keywords”. Racism is the largest offender on social media next to sexism. Negative or hostile posts containing racism or sexism will impact your credit score by nearly 100 points and you will be flagged as a “high risk”.

“Credit lenders no longer want their money going into the hands of bigots. This is a huge decision. This is the first time lenders are concerned what “type” of person the money is going to. Hate will never be supported by FICO”, FICO Chairman of the Board Sully Anderson.

“What FICO has done will be beneficial twofold. One, lenders can be at ease of conscious knowing their money won’t be going to hate mongers and Two, the people speaking up in revolt will reveal themselves to be high risk borrowers and flagged themselves. This really is a win win for the entire economic structure of the world”, Daily News Reported Financial Correspondent Leonard Pummet.

Twitter and Facebook, two of the mega social media sites are reluctant to comment directly on the matter, but have admitted that there are databases created under the Patriot Act that creditors can use to decide whether to lend to a borrower or not.

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